Briana is ON HOLIDAY

Briana, the blonde busty Brazilian escort of choice in London (Piccadilly Circus)

Whether you seek the gentle caress of a girlfriend experience or the exhilarating rush of a party girl, a threesome with your partner or the uninhibited abandon of roleplay, I am here to fulfill your deepest desires.

Duration Incall Outcall
1 hour £300 £350
2 hours £550 £600
3 hours £800 £850
extra hour £250 £250
30 minutes £250 £350

About this escort

As you step into my dimly lit room, the air heavy with anticipation, the sound of a sultry melody fills the space. Mesmerized by the hypnotic sway of my hips, moving in perfect rhythm with the music, you approach, drawn irresistibly closer by the magnetic pull of my curves.

Standing before you, I am the epitome of desire, my Brazilian bum adorned in sheer lace, my 34D breasts rising and falling with each breath, a symphony of temptation. Our eyes meet, mine a captivating shade of emerald-green, sparkling with the promise of untold pleasures. In that moment, you know this encounter will be unlike any other.

As my fingers trail through my blonde locks, I lean in close, whispering sweet promises in both English and Portuguese, igniting a fire within you that burns with fierce intensity.

In this land of pleasure, there are no boundaries. Whether you seek the gentle caress of a girlfriend experience or the exhilarating rush of a party girl, a threesome with your partner or the uninhibited abandon of roleplay, I am here to fulfill your deepest desires.

With each touch, each kiss, we will journey deeper into ecstasy, and our time together will build to a crescendo of bliss.

So come to me.

Then cum with me.

Read my blog here:
part one
part two
part three

Services extra by this escort

Service Price
Bi Duo £100
CIF £50
CIM £50
Couples £150
Rimming (Giving) £50

Mode details about this escort

Price for 1st hour
Dress size 10
Breast size 34D
  • Height in cm: 165
  • Height feet: 5'6"
Hair colour
Adorned in a red lingerie, Briana looks ravishing and strikes a sexy pose