
Susanna, the Brazilian escort beauty based in London (South Kensington)

In London's sultry South Kensington, where secrets whispered through the cobblestone streets, there lived a captivating enigma named Susanna.

Duration Incall Outcall
1 hour £300 £350
2 hours £550 £600
3 hours £800 £850
extra hour £250 £250
30 minutes £250 £350

About Susanna

In London’s sultry South Kensington, where secrets whispered through the cobblestone streets, there lived a captivating enigma named Susanna. Her Brazilian heritage danced in her every move, her tall and slender frame a canvas for desire.

Her Brunette hair cascaded over her shoulders like a silken waterfall, framing a face that held the allure of a midnight sky. Brown eyes, deep and expressive, promised a glimpse into a realm of unbridled passion. A cute bum swayed provocatively beneath her hips, inviting the gentlest of caresses.

Susanna’s breasts, a tantalizing 34B, were the epitome of natural allure. Their soft, creamy curves yearned to be caressed, to feel the weight of a lover’s gaze. Her body, a temple of indulgence, beckoned with the promise of an unforgettable encounter.

As a bi escort, Susanna’s desires were as fluid as the Thames River that flowed nearby. Her services whispered tales of forbidden pleasures, from the tantalizing thrill of 69 to the intimate embrace of strap-on. She was a mistress of CIF and CIM, her fingers dancing over sensitive flesh with the precision of a master musician.

At the stroke of midnight, Susanna transformed into a party girl, her body adorned in shimmering sequins and lace. Her movements were hypnotic, a seductive blend of dance and surrender. The air crackled with anticipation as she teased and tantalized, promising a night of unbridled ecstasy.

Susanna’s presence was both intoxicating and addictive. She was a siren’s call, luring men into a world where fantasies become reality. In her embrace, they lost themselves in a whirlwind of desire, where every touch, every moan, and every climax was a testament to her undeniable seduction.

To arrange a memorable encounter with Susanna, simply reach out via email at [email protected] or connect through phone, WhatsApp, or Telegram.

Services provided at extra charge by Susanna

Service Price
A-Level £100
Bi Duo £100
CIF £30
CIM (includes OWO) £100
Filming with mask £50
Fisting (Giving) £100
MMF £2 x price
OWO £30
Strap-on £100
WS (Giving) £50
OWO £50

More details about Susanna

Price for 1st hour
Dress size 6
Breast size 34B
  • Height in cm: 171
  • Height feet: 5'7"
Hair colour