
Signal, the Brazilian escort in London (High Street Kensington)

Fate whispers the name of Signal, a Brazilian enchantress with a tale to unfold. Her frame, a symphony of curves, is draped in a whisper of silk, revealing a glimpse of tantalizing secrets beneath.

Duration Incall Outcall
1 hour £600 £600
2 hours £1000 £1000
3 hours £1400 £1400
extra hour £400 £400
30 minutes N/A N/A

About this escort

Fate whispers the name of Signal, a Brazilian enchantress with a tale to unfold. Her frame, a symphony of curves, is draped in a whisper of silk, revealing a glimpse of tantalizing secrets beneath. Her green eyes, like emeralds in the night, hold an allure that draws you into her world.

As you step into her intimate sanctuary, the scent of exotic spices lingers in the air, teasing your senses. Signal greets you with a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts, her Brazilian warmth radiating through her every move. Her body, a canvas of pure desire, beckons you to explore its hidden treasures. Her slender waist curves effortlessly into hips that sway with a tantalizing rhythm. Her cute bum, perky and firm, is a testament to her love of life and pleasure.

Her breasts, like ripe mangoes, are full and natural, promising a taste of paradise. As you caress them, you feel a surge of electricity coursing through your veins. Her skin, soft as velvet, invites you to lose yourself in a world of sensual bliss.

Signal is a chameleon, her spirit adaptable to your every whim. She can be a gentle seductress, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, or a fiery temptress, igniting a passion that burns brighter than the sun.

Her services are a symphony of delights, a tapestry of forbidden fantasies woven into reality. From the intimate embrace of 69 to the tantalizing dance of Couples, she caters to your every desire, painting your world with vibrant hues of pleasure.

As you move deeper into Signal’s embrace, you discover a woman who is as intoxicating as she is enigmatic. Her Roleplay transports you to realms of boundless imagination, where you become the stars of your own erotic masterpiece.

With Signal, the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, creating an unforgettable experience that will haunt your dreams long after the night is over. She is a siren’s call, a temptress who will forever hold a special place in your heart.

To arrange a memorable encounter with Signal, simply reach out via email at [email protected] or connect through phone, WhatsApp, or Telegram.

Services extra by this escort

Service Price
Bi Duo £100
CIF £60
CIM (includes OWO) £60
Couples £150
WS (Giving) £60
WS (Receiving) £60

Mode details about this escort

Price for 1st hour
Dress size 8
Breast size 34B
  • Height in cm: 170
  • Height feet: 5'7"
Hair colour