
Regina, the tall Ukranian escort in Earl's Court, London

With my skilled expertise in the art of physical gratification, I offer unmatched A-Level encounters that will leave you breathless and longing for more.

Duration Incall Outcall
1 hour £300 £350
2 hours £550 £600
3 hours £800 £850
extra hour £250 £250
30 minutes £200 £350

About this escort

Proudly flaunting my hourglass figure, I possess an alluring 36B bust often hidden beneath delicate silk and lace. As a youthful seductress of 26 years, I rule over the tempting paradise of Earl’s Court where primal desires merge with pure bliss.

My flowing blonde locks cascade down my back, glistening like liquid gold in the dim, sensuous light. With my skilled expertise in the art of physical gratification, I offer unmatched A-Level encounters that will leave you breathless and longing for more.

My lips are often painted a deep crimson, always ready to bestow passionate kisses upon my beloved clients. With each touch, I ignite the flames of desire and release all inhibitions. As a daring adventurer, I thrive on exploring the uncharted territory of pleasure with my clients. Embracing the unknown, I fearlessly guide you through your deepest desires and forbidden fantasies, leaving no stone unturned.

For those who seek an extra burst of excitement, I am well-versed in the art of poppers - a mind-altering journey that intensifies our mutual climax and heightens all senses. And for the truly adventurous souls, let me tantalize you with my tongue in an erotic rimming experience that will send waves of pleasure throughout your entire body. Surrender yourself to the sensations and let me take you on an unforgettable journey of ecstasy.

Services extra by this escort

Service Price
A-Level £100
CIF £50
CIM (includes OWO) £50
Fisting (Giving) £50
Rimming (Giving) £50

Mode details about this escort

Price for 1st hour
Dress size 10
Breast size 36B
  • Height in cm: 172
  • Height feet: 5'8"
Hair colour
A smiling woman in a tan shirt, with flowing blonde locks and a captivating gaze, exudes sensuality and allure.