Kiyana is ON HOLIDAY

Kiyana, the hot escort in Gloucester Road, London

Imbued with the fiery passion and allure reminiscent of a Brazilian siren, I possess an effortless grace that teeters on the delicate line between petite charm and refined elegance

Duration Incall Outcall
1 hour £300 N/A
2 hours £550 N/A
3 hours £800 N/A
extra hour £250 N/A
30 minutes N/A N/A

About this escort

Imbued with the fiery passion and allure reminiscent of a Brazilian siren, I possess an effortless grace that teeters on the delicate line between petite charm and refined elegance. My height, a precise 163 cm, may not be towering, but it’s perfectly proportioned to my vivacious curves - but then again, who’s really keeping track?

My voluptuous figure, crowned by a 34B bust and accentuated by a flawlessly sculpted posterior, never fails to command attention. It’s an undeniable fact that my presence stirs up more than just casual glances; it incites a tantalizing frenzy. In the pulsating heart of London where I’ve carved out my niche as an elite escort, I am known for my chameleon-like abilities - effortlessly adapting my services to cater to every whispered fantasy or unspoken desire.

Are you yearning for the electrifying thrill of our tongues dancing in a passionate French kiss? A kiss so fervent it sends shivers down your spine, igniting every nerve ending in your body into a blaze of sensation? Or perhaps you pine for intimate conversations over dinners bathed in candlelight, where we lose ourselves in each other’s eyes reflecting the shimmering city lights?

But don’t be fooled into thinking that I am merely another pretty face. My vibrant personality is as captivating as my physical allure; I’m spirited yet understanding, playful yet sophisticated. If you are seeking something more profound than fleeting physical desire alone – something deeper and more intimate – then look no further. My authentic girlfriend experience promises to leave you gasping for breath amidst waves of exhilaration and contentment.

Services done by this escort

Mode details about this escort

Price for 1st hour
Dress size 8
Breast size 34B
  • Height in cm: 163
  • Height feet: 5'4"
Hair colour
London escort with long, flowy black hair and beautiful nipples adorning perfectly round breasts.