Heidi, the go to masseuse choice without a doubt in London (Bayswater)

Welcome, darling. I'm Heidi, your petite European vixen with a penchant for the provocative.

Duration Incall Outcall
1 hour £200 N/A
2 hours £400 N/A
3 hours £600 N/A
extra hour £200 N/A
30 minutes £150 N/A

About this escort

Welcome, darling. I’m Heidi, your petite European vixen with a penchant for the provocative. My eyes are as dark and enticing as an unexplored cavern, luring you into my realm of sensuality and temptation. At a nimble 5'3", my compact silhouette is flawlessly balanced and exquisitely carved - a living tribute to Eastern Europe’s divine allure.

As your high-end companion, I provide an array of intoxicating encounters tailored to your deepest yearnings. Let’s indulge in the art of role-play, where we blur the lines between fantasy and reality in our own clandestine world.

Ever been seduced by the elegant tendrils of smoke from a finely rolled cigar? I can satisfy your smoking fetish with an air of sophistication and class that will leave you panting for our next rendezvous.

Surrender to my expert touch as I guide you on an odyssey of carnal delight. My massages aren’t just skin-deep; they’re transformative experiences that pacify your body and set your soul aflame. Or perhaps you’re brave enough to delve into ancient erotic practices with a tantric massage? Allow me to arouse every sense within you, guiding you on a pathway towards unexplored realms of pleasure and enlightenment.

Every second we spend together is a tantalizing tango between passion and pleasure. And trust me, darling—I lead quite the dance.

Services extra by this escort

Service Price
Body to body massage £50
Erotic massage £50
Nuru massage £80
Professional massage £50
Sensual massage £50
Tantric massage £50

Mode details about this escort

Price for 1st hour
Dress size 6
Breast size 34C
  • Height in cm: 160
  • Height feet: 5'3"
Hair colour
Heidi, your European vixen, with a flawlessly balanced silhouette, stands by a window in black lace lingerie.